Book Comments
“… I believe that adage about “when the student is ready, the teacher appears. But that has never been more true as my reading of Thin Doors. Not only is the story of Ron Donoho’s experiences with the other side validating to all I believe and feel as true, but the telling of his story in this book is so beautifully written. If you have ever felt the hair on your neck stand up in response to a life situation or question, or if you have ever received a phone call from someone you were just thinking about, I recommend reading Thin Doors…again and again!”
Lou Ann Thomas, writer and speaker
“…A couple of days ago I got your book and read the foreword…. Then, didn’t have a chance to pick it back up until yesterday…. Well, I absolutely can’t put it down! I’m almost finished! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that it is a wonderful book and a touching story! It brings up so many questions!! Thanks for sharing it with the world!”
Brett N. Manhattan, KS
“…You were the catalyst for my personal spiritual rejuvenation. My relationship with God is continually becoming more a factor in my everyday life. Thank you for helping me learn to see Him more clearly.”
Pattie S. Westmoreland, KS
“…I had a hard time putting it down! It went everywhere with me. The book became a priority over my to do list…many goose bump moments…”
Stephanie C. St. George, KS
“…I really, really enjoyed your book and am very glad that you wrote it.”
Sharon D. Kansas City, MO
“…Thin Doors beckoned me! Page after page it called me to consider possibility. Perhaps what we sense, but may not understand, is real. Inspiring stories about real life encounters with the mysterious. Fascinating!”
Julie C. Manhattan, KS
“…This book is much more than a discovery of a spiritual gift; it is a journey into relationships. God gave each of us spiritual gifts. It’s too bad many of us will never discover ours. Don’t miss this one, read how Ron discovered and uses his gift…”
Mark K. Omaha, NE
“…Bravo! I could not put the book down once I started; it draws you in and keeps you reading to find out more!…”
Brandey N.
“…Thanks for writing a wonderful book!”
Randall F. New York, NY
“…A well written account of one man’s journey toward understanding the complexities of the human spirit and mind that will strike a chord in all of us.” Debbie S. Westmoreland, KS
“…You have profoundly changed my life…”
Kathy B. Ottawa, KS
“…Many, many readers will benefit from reading these pages, and they will thank you for writing this book…”
Cynthia S. Chicago, IL